Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Resolute-tion: noun. A New Years resolution that a person is absolutely determined to achieve, regardless of whether or not they have attempted it before.

We know the resolution thing, don't we? We're going to lose 10 pounds or finally get that novel published. For this post, I wanted a word that was more than a mere resolution, but something more serious sounding. OK, I'm not all that good with serious, but still...

So, here are my resolute-tions:
1. Make better use of my journal. It's there. It's been there a while. But I really want to use it more. I pulled out my journal and saw that on 1/1/06, I had made that same resolution. Oops.

2. Lay off the junk food. I really want to get back down to where I was before my first pregnancy. I have a while to go.

3. Spend more real quality time with my kids. Not that I don't spend any with them now, but they could always use more.

4. Prioritize and organize. That one is too complicated for me to explain without boring you.

So, do you have an resolute-tions this year? Feel free to post in the comment section.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I definitely want to spend more quality time with my kids and then the usual 'eat healthier'. My husband and I are doing our best to eat about 80% raw each day.