Friday, August 1, 2008

Cartoon Confusion

Cartoon Confusion: noun. The confusion a parent feels about a children's show or the characters therein, but the logic of which is either understood by or does not bother a child.

Monkey Son #1 loves PBS and Qubo. I can't complain too much about these channels, as most of their shows are educational, and I am at times amazed at what he picks up from watching them. Still, a couple of aspects of these shows just confuse or downright disturb me.

One example that comes to mind is PBS' Big Big World. It's a pretty good show, and if you've never seen it, it's like Bear in the Big Blue House, or at least it seems to me. In the show, several animals live in or near what they call the World Tree, which is located in a rainforest. The two parental or wise animals that guide the others are Snook the sloth and Madge the map turtle. Now, here's what gets me. There is a character named Bob, who is an anteater. He's very nervous and worries a lot, but the strangest thing is that he tries to be friends with the ants. Bob never eats the ants in the show, but it is still a bit disturbing to make friends with what you are supposed to be eating. After all, if I want a steak, I don't go down to the farm and say, "Hello, Bessie! How are you feeling today?" This, however, is what Bob does. Of course, Monkey Son #1 hasn't picked up on the absurdity of this.


Jessica Lynn said...

My boy watches this show too, and I never get the Bob character. He really annoys me actually. Especially when he talks about the *gulp* aaaants.
I thought at first that maybe they didn't want to go into the whole carnivore thing, but Warts the frog eats flies all the time. It's to strange for me.

Kristina said...

Hellooooo, anty! Tell me what's on your mind today! LOL. You know who else annoys me? Ick the fish. And Birdette. Maybe I should leave the room when the show is on...

Jessica Lynn said...

Ick is a jerk. and Birdette...can we say VAIN!?!

I have been avoiding that show lately. I'll stick with Super Why.

Kristina said...

Don't get me started on Super Why! He looooooves it. Stop ruining the stories, darn it! :D