Sunday, January 15, 2012

Flylady Thoughts

So, this week in FlyLady, I didn't do stellar. I cleaned the sink every now and then, changed the sheets, picked up toys (a lot), did laundry, mopped the floor. Don't get me wrong, I did housework. I just didn't do FlyLady. I'm reminded in a pretty big way that, being disorganized in this area, I get a lot more done with her than without her.

Where did my time go? Well, I finished a quilt top for Philosopher Child. When I get excited about or nearing the end of a project, I just can't put it down. That was a huge time suck. Also, I wasn't well one of the days, and on a few others I was distracted by some bad news about my local Curves closing its doors very, very soon. I'd been a member there on and off for a few years and they really were helping me slim down. Too bad there is no other like them, not even another Curves in my area.

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